Hog Roast Exton – Why the Hog Roast Over More Standard Roasting Methods?

Hog Roast ExtonIt may seem like an odd question to be coming from a caterer that has plastered the Hog Roast over our name, our marketing, our menus, our primary services, but at events guests do often ask us what the benefits are to choosing a hog roast over your more typical roasting methods. After all, isn’t the same result being achieved on the plate at the end of the day?

But as we at Hog Roast Exton tell all of our customers: you are, quite simply, just getting so much more with the hog roast. Both in its results on the plate and in its spectacle as a cooking method too. It is simply a more appropriate dish for the kind of grandiosity that events typically require, since it does so well to make the entire occasion feel more special on account of its uniqueness and stylish presentation. But for at home dining is the hog roast really still the king of kitchen? Would it not be easier to just go for a more standard oven roast method for your own Sunday roasts?

A well put together pork roast is immensely flavoursome, bursting with juiciness and well-seasoned taste in every bite, and contrasted by a satisfying crunch from the crisp and salty pork skin. The best way of achieving this balance is, conveniently, with the hog roasting method which is why we at Hog Roast Exton prefer it for all of our roasts. With an oven roast sometimes you’ll struggle to find space for all your foods to cram into, and with an overfilled oven you have more foods soaking up the temperature which can lead to an uneven cook. The spit roast method prevents this entirely. The turning action of the spit ensures an even crisping right across your roast’s skin, while the meat inside is continuously circulating all of its juices and flavouring creating a baste which reaches right through to every bite and ensures a juicy tenderness all throughout.

For this reason Hog Roast Exton will always go to bat for the spit roast over any other style, and why we have continued to do things this way for well over 20 years now at your events – and we’ll continue to for another 20 more!