Grab the Best Barbecue of the Summer with Hog Roast Five Oaks!

Hog Roast HampshireHave you had your first summer barbecue of the year? If not, what are you waiting for? It’s the best British tradition of the summer, and with Hog Roast Five Oaks it can be even better than usual!

If you’re thinking to yourself that you haven’t made enough of the summer yet, then luckily you’ve still got one month left to turn that around. Put on an event, invite friends and family round, and when you do make sure to bring in the stylish summer catering of Hog Roast Five Oaks too to really make the most of the season!

As well as being a hog roast caterer, our capabilities expand to barbecue dining as well. We see both roast dining and the traditional barbecue as dining styles that go hand in hand. Both are concerned with simple dining measures, plenty of meat, and comfort like no other. Think of it like the roast being the more winterly cousin to the barbecue’s summer dining! Because of this, our mobile roasting machines that we use for our hog roasts are also equipped to turn into barbecues as well. All those delicious meats that we sort for our roasts instead become handmade burgers, sausages, quality ribs, skewers, kebabs and more!

Hog Roast HampshireOur gourmet barbecue range is simply the best way to enjoy your summer barbie. If you have held out up to this point in the season then our barbecue is most certainly the way to go. All your favourites will be up for order, only made fresh and handmade with our own quality ingredients and meats. It’s far better than anything you’ll find in the shops, and you don’t even have to fight with the barbecue either as our chefs will take care of everything for you! We are equipped to produce hundreds of burgers and sausages for you if need be, so don’t be shy in coming in for seconds and thirds! Along with our other fresh accompaniments too – such as fries, salad, slaw and roasted veg – you can enjoy a sizzling serve worthy of the last days of summer – only with Hog Roast Five Oaks!